Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 35

Here is the drawing for the day. It's a study from James Bama's RFK. His version is FAR superior to mine. I feel ok about this one. The part that rushed through on are his hands, but I actually like that part the best. There always is a part of a painting that gets rushed, and usually I hate it, but yet, I seem to do it everytime! Todays drawing will just enable that behavior.

The glare on this one was unavoidable. I tried several different kinds of lighting, and this was the best I could come up with.

1 comment:

  1. Another art class comment!
    This is an awesome study- I don't know what the original looks, but the subject's wrinkles (on his forehead, around his eyes, above his mouth) as well the set of his mouth itself and his furrowed eyebrows, give him a really engaging dark, brooding personality- his hand up to his face like that adds a pensive quality. With that and the very well done lighting this really sucks me in. The only thing I find 'off,' once again, is the subject's right eye =/ maybe there's a reason for making it lighter than the left that I'm not catching onto or something
