Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 31

Here's a study of Norman Rockwell's "freedom of Speech" from the Four Freedoms. This a pretty great painting, and I'm pleased with my attempt. After yesterday's struggle, this one feels a lot better to look at. I don't regret too many decisions with this one. I really like the dark space filling up the top section. It really adds depth to this image

1 comment:

  1. As an art class assignment I'm supposed to look at one of your daily drawings and everything- hence this comment =P
    I've always like Norman Rockwell's stuff a lot, and Freedom of Speech is probably my favorite. You've done an awesome job of putting across the same warm fuzzy feelings as the original, and the technical aspects like the lighting, the wrinkles of his jacket, his expression, etc are all great. The only thing I think is 'off' about this, though it doesn't really detract much at all from the drawing, is his right eye- in contrast to his left, it seems lighter and 'off-balance'- especially the pupil. Last word: awesome!
