Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 216

James Reynolds... Sorry it's blurry


  1. Hey just wanted to let you know I still check these out almost 100% of the time. And they are still mind-bogglingly good.

    Is there an over-arching goal here? Is this a "365 days" thing? Was thinking about mentioning you on my blog, so figured I would ask.

    anyway, I really enjoy it almost every day.

  2. Thanks man! I appreciate you checking my blog out. As far as an over-arching goal... I don't really have one. I like having an online sketchbook as well as something to keep me accountable to drawing/painting/whatever...

    Yeah, feel free to mention it on your blog. I'll even do a drawing for the blog, if you're interested...

  3. Oh wow that would be too much man. How would that work? Would I owe you anything tangible? I'm highly interested.

  4. Nope, you just invite your friends to my blog and we'll call in even, cool?

  5. In fact, I did just that last night... check out my latest post:

    Hope it's cool that I used one of your drawings (fully credited) to entice people. Hopefully some people will swing by.
