Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 114

The drawing of the day - Ernest Hemingway (yes, I know it rhymes). He was a pretty interesting guy who is worth drawing a doing a little research on. After weeks of drawings that were rushed and not very successful. I have about 30 mins on this one and I think it was the perfect amount of time. I'm pretty happy with how this turned out...


  1. This is AWESOME.

    I'm sure you get sick of hearing how awesome your drawings are though, eh? Truly though... great. Hemmingway=the man.

  2. Hey, Blake, do you know the song that has the lyrics -- I think it's... time to let you see the things I see... within you? This is Isaac Albrighton.

    In the spirit of the blog, Heming -- way fished around Crandall and on the Clarks Fork. He wrote an article about it for Look! Magazine. There's also a story that he drank liqour out of a babies chamber pot outside Cooke City when his car broke down and he broke his arm another time and had to be driven to Billings. All stupid things to say. He was really sick most of his life I think and really depressed but he did his best to hide it. Maybe his best times were when he didn't have to be himself. Who knows about anyone though.

    If you recognize the song lyrics, my email is
