Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 94

Wow, I am totally slacking lately! I haven't had time to do a drawing in over a week. Though, I feel I have 2 good excuses: 1) I'm finishing a painting that is due for an art show 2) I'm doing P90x after work every night. So my time has been booked. I did manage to find some time tonight however...

My subject for today's drawing: Darren Mahuron. If you live in Ft. Collins, you have certainly been aware of his presence. Whether you know him as the guy who runs the Gallery Underground or the "Summit Studios Guy", you have seen his work or been to one of his shows if you live around here.

I know Darren as my first good friend in Ft. Collins. He and his family really welcomed me into the town and helped me make a whole new group friends (to which I will always be grateful). Our friendship started off with us talking art (and we still do a little) but now, we pretty much just make fun of stuff together.

Another thing about Darren, if it weren't for him, who knows if I ever would have met my wife. It was a photo of Sarah that first got my attention to Darren's work, and it was at the Gallery Underground's first show that I saw Sarah for the first time.

Thanks, buddy!

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